MADOS ANGARAS. too praised


Hello everyone. Today I found this place called "Mados angaras" in Šiaurės miestelis and to be honest with you guys, I left up pretty disappointed. Not even the prices weren't that low as it's written on their website, but besides that the range was so shabby I didn't buy anything at all. Still I want to show you some stuff ofcourse.  Either it was too expensive, or it was not in my size. By the way I didn't find any wearable shoes in any sizes at ALL! I don't know, they brag that they supplement their range everyday, but it just seems to be sheit. Best pieces to you judges:

The last sweater with horses kind of reminded me of  unicorn look  from luscious style. Go on and check it out. This one is waaay simpler, but still may work.  

And also these two cuties. Just look at them, how cuuuute are they?

And yeah thats it for today. I hope you had more luck than I did. Hope you best, kisses

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