
Hey-Diddly-Ho! everybody. I've been really busy lately. I started my first uni years at VGTU and everything was pretty rough these days: new lectures, new people, new environment, new city. As you can read from the title of the post, a lot of changes came into my life. Into this blog as well.
If any of you noticed, the headline of blog has changed, well only the font of the "Juoda plunksna". For those who doesn't know what that means - in lithuanian it's black feather. To continue with I need to mention that not only headline but also the icon of blog changed. Now you won't find that orange blogger icon but you will see a little cute feather down there. With these changes I wanted to make this blog more attractive and in the future I'm willing to change even more things to make "Juoda plunksna" blog more popular and easier to use. If you have any suggestions what you want to see in this blog or how to change it - do not hesitate. I'm always open to new ideas. You can find my e-mail in "contact me" section above. 

See you soon, loves, kisses!


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  2. Šviesūs pasikeitimai :) Pirmi metai Universitete vieni iš geriausių Ever, net kaip žmogus, atrodo, pasikeiti 180 laipsniu. O dėl tinklaraščio, geriausias pasirinkimas, rašyti apie tai, kas Tau kelia daugiausia džiaugsmo, tada ir skaityti bus malonu:)

    Kosmetikos užrašai

    1. Labai ačiū už gražius žodžius bei palinkėjimus. Tikra tiesa, pirmieji metai turbūt daugeliui įsimintiniausi :)
