
Good day, everyone. I am continuing doing tags for February. And today it's gonna be a what's in my wallet tag. Some of you might think that this will be boring, but I think that it is quite interesting to see what people carry in their wallets, apart from money, of course. This is my wallet. I got it ageeees ago from local chinese shop in my hometown. It was closing down, so everything was extremely cheap, so I picked up this wallet with studs. As I said, I got it ages ago and I didn't think that it would hold me for so many years. It has only few small scratches and one stud is missing.
So here's the content of my wallet:

In the first section I have some lotery tickets I need to cash. In fact I already did.

Few cards in another section

In the first picture above you can see my most used cards. I usually don't carry cash, for me it's easier to pay with the bank card, especially now, that we have euro.

Vouchers for sunbed :)

I also carry the golden star balm. If you don't know what it is, it is basically antiache balm. You just rub it in place that hurts and it starts cooling it and the pain is gone. I like to use it on my temples, as they often cause pain in my head.

I also often have some receips.

And in case you are wondering, that's how lithuanian euro coins look like. It's Lithuanian symbol. What a beauty.

Hopefully you enjoyed the tag and as always I will say that I will see you soon. Kisses!


  1. Sveiki! Nominavau Tavo blogą iššūkiui "ką rinktumeisi?", todėl jei įdomu siūlau atsakyti į klausimus, o prieš tai užsukti čia:
    http://zuikiopasaka.blogspot.com/2015/02/issukis-ka-rinktumeisi.html#more sėkmės :)

    1. Dėkoju už nominavimą. Būtinai užsuksiu :)
