Hey beauties. It's been a while. I'm done with my uni for a while and I can write more now. Since christmas is in less than a week, I will introduce you to santa's workshop, where presents are made for the good kids. If you still don't know how to surprise your friend, family or lover, maybe this post will help you. Let's start with the idea that I was on tight budget this year and I thought I will make cute tiny presents for friends and family. As I wanted to buy lush bath bombs, I thought why not making my own? Scrolled through some diy's, instructions, reviews and I am good to go.
Hello beauties, the title may sound funny, but the truth is that 70% of women do not know how to get the most from their hairwash. They may do some things right, but also do some of them wrong. And today I want to share this with you because I started my blog mainly because I got asked to share my knowledge on how I grow my hair so long. To start with I should tell you that as always, some of the things may be not as good for you as it was for me, mainly because I have dry hair and some things won't be necessary for those who has oily hair. So let's begin. I am gonna just point things out, so it would be easier to read and to follow for you.
LT Sveiki visi. Mano atostogos eina į pabaigą. Tačiau ne už kalnų ir Kalėdų atostogos. Nekantrauju papuošti savo naujuosius namus. Kaip jau ir minėjau anksčiau, turiu dar vieną apžvalgą. Šį kartą tai - Vivi, kuri yra tiesiog nuostabi, naturialią kosmetiką naudojanti kompanija. Įsimylėjau jų produktus iš pirmo žvilgsnio jų internetinėje svetainėje. Produktų įpakavimas toks įkvepiantis, minimalistinis, o ir parduotuvių bei salelių interjėras tiesiog žadą atimantis. Buvau be galo laiminga, kai gavau pasiūlymą išsirinkti vieną produktą, kurį norėčiau išbandyti ir aišku, kad pasirinkau plaukų priežiūros priemonę.
Sveikos mielosios skaitytojos. Šiandien noriu pasidalinti su Jumis smagiomis akimirkomis iš UogaUoga naujosios salelės VCUP'e atidarymo. Renginukas buvo puikiai suplanuotas, veiklos turėjo tiek vaikai, tiek suaugę.
Hey hello sup everybody. With the first snow here in Lithuania, comes the smell of Christmas. The time of the year that was supposed to be about love, family, bonding, forgiving and so. And ofcourse - gifts. I made few collages with pictures of things I would love to get in the Christmas morning or just to purchase during the winter season.
|LT| Sveiki visi, kaip jums sekasi? Tikiuosi visi mėgaujatės savaitgaliu. Šią savaitę turėsiu "atostogas". Mano universitetas ateinančią savaitę turi savarankiško darbo savaitę, todėl gausis kaip ir atostogos, bet kaip ir ne, nes po tos savaitės laukia daug koliokviumų ir kitų darbų. Bet tikiuosi, kad pavyks pabaigti savo apžvalgas apie lietuviškas grožio priemones, kurias išbandžiau. Šiandien pasidalinsiu savo nuomone apie Rasa Magic hair šampūnų liniją. Man buvo atsiųsti du šampūnai: Intensyviai plaukus ir galvos odą maitinantis šampūnas ir atkuriamasis šampūnas.
|EN| What up guys? I hope all of you are having a great time on your weekend. This week I will have "holidays" from my studies. My uni is having independent work week so it's kind of holidays, kind of not because afterwards I will have so many colloquiums and stuff. But I hope I will have enough time to blog and finish with my lithuanian brands review for short time. Today I'm going to share my thoughts on Rasa Magic hair shampoos. I was sent two of these: Intensive hair and scalp moisturizing shampoo and regenerative shampoo.
Hey guys. It has been a while since I posted a new post in my blog. I am still trying out some new stuff that I got from few brands and I am going to share my reviews with you very soon, hopefully. So yesterday it has been my boyfriend's 22nd birthday and I made him this "cake" which is super simple to make and I wanted to share the recipe and pictures with you, maybe some of you will find this inspirational and make it for breakfast or for any other occation.
LT Sveiki gyvi bičiuliai. Savaitgalis jau ant nosies, na o daugeliui merginų savaitgalis - proga pasigražinti, kažkur išeiti. Ta proga dar viena apžvalgėlė. Šį kartą apie vieną iš garsiausių lietuviškų naturalių kosmetikos priemonių gamintoją - UogaUoga. Uoga siūlo begalo didelį prekių asortimentą, nuo kremų iki dekoratyvinės kosmetikos, tad kažką patinkančio ras kiekviena. Turėjau galimybę apsilankyti Uogos Uogos salelėje Oze ir ištardyti konsultantę. Užsimaniau tiek daug produktų, kad net galva apsisuko. Na o dabar apie produktus, kuriuos išbandžiau. Išsirinkau plaukų balzamą "Sesė ilgakasė" ir lūpų balzamą "Slaptasis pirato receptas". Visų UogaUoga produktų pavadinimai tokie šmaikštus, o ir dizainas širdžiai begalo mielas.
LT: Sveiki visi ir visos. Šiandien noriu apžvelgti vieną iš
geriausių lietuviškos kosmetikos gamintojų, tai – Eco Desire. Labai dėkoju už
galimybę išbandyti jūsų produktus ir supažindinti savo skaitytojus su jais.
EN: Hello everyone. Today I want to review one of the best lithuanian cosmetics manufacturer - Eco Desire. I am very grateful for the opportunity to test your products and introduce them with my readers.
Morning guys! Hope you had fun last night on Halloween. Today I wanted to share with you a new information about this blog. So from now on you are going to see new posts about Lithuanian cosmetics and it is going to be in both languages: lithuanian and english. I have been using a lot of new products lately and just cannot wait to share my oppinion about them with you wonderful people. So say tuned if you are interested.
Hey guys! Weekend is almost gone and I wish you all had a great time during the weekend. I did. My boyfriend (which I am living) asked my on a date and it was so exciting to go on a date after such a long time. It was nice to just have a meal in a cosy place in Vilnius beautiful oldtown and just chitchat for a while.
Hey hoo, everyone. It't the middle of the week and I hope that you're having a great time! Here in Vilnius, Lithuania, it's getting colder and colder everyday so I ran into Humana secondhand shop today and picked up some goodies for only 1euro each. Also I am gonna show some stuff I collected during past few days so it's gonna be a bit of collecting haul and I will show you what I made for my boyfriend on friday before we went to my hometown for the weekend.
Morning beauties! Today I made collages of things that I would really enjoy buying, but since I am a stundent I cannot afford it, so I will just enjoy looking at these pictures lol. Hope you will find here something you like and maybe it will inspire you for shopping.
Evening ladies! I hope all of you are having a wonderful evening because I am. Today I received some stuff for my hair and I wanted to share with you some hairstuff and some skinstuff I got over the past three days. So let's get going.
Hiya! Today I want to share with you guys haircare products I use that aren't natural. So these are the products and some of them are usefull and some are not.
Wow guys, today it is so sunny and warm here in Vilnius and it makes my mood elated. Today it was the first time when Vilnius fleamarket moved from Teachers yard to Havana club. It was also my first time at fleamarket there & I left pretty satisfied. I did not purchased anything because most of the clothing were size Small, but oh well it was nice to feel the atmosphere and to listen to nice music. Afterwards I walked through the oldtown and took some pictures and video's that I will glue all together and make (hopefully) a nice video of Vilnius :)
Happy saturday, guys! I am always into these beauty diy's. Maybe that's why I am writting this blog in the first place - because I love organic, natural & cheap beauty stuff and I tend to think that there's no need to buy those fancy and well advertised products to get good results. Also when you start to really listen to your body, it shouts for those natural goodies. I am currently studying creative industries and it is super connected to all advertising industry. Ways how to manipulate people into buying things made me so interested over the past years & that's how I know that those expensive products are mostly the same as the ones that are the cheapest. So let's get going to those 2 DIY I wanted to share with you guys.
Hey guys, finally IT'S FRIDAY! And today my boyfriend had a dayoff so we spent some time at Ikea Vilnius. We went there 'cause we needed a flowerpot for our cute white rose that has been growing really fastly and for some time we wanted to buy this super inexpensive coffe table for our new home in Vilnius. It will fit perfectly with our white ikea chest of draws we bought last month.

Sup everyone. Today I had a bit of free time, so I decided to check out the new stock at humana and I found pretty nice things. Wanted to share with you guys and show you the cheaper way to get ready for fall and be stylish not spnding a bunch of money. So let's get started. Woop woop
Hiya! Today everything is so perfect. The weather, the mood - everything. Not to mention that I didn't had first lecture and I could have slept more. Yay! I had one lecture today and it was in my favorite faculty - the one that's in Vilnius old town. I'm always happy when lectures are there. After lectures you can always explore the magic of old town. It's so inspiring. When I was strolling through those tiny streets of Vilnius, I popped into "Humana" sh. They are having their discount week. Today and tommorow everything is for 4LTL so I couldn't resist. I got two sweaters from GinaTricot, one GAP skirt, that I'm obbsessed about and two necklaces that I adore. I got those necklaces from Ebay and they were super inexpensive.
Hey-Diddly-Ho! everybody. I've been really busy lately. I started my first uni years at VGTU and everything was pretty rough these days: new lectures, new people, new environment, new city. As you can read from the title of the post, a lot of changes came into my life. Into this blog as well.
Evening guys. There is 1hour left till Autumn. When it comes to seasons, I am always willing to believe that something changes, not only the weather but people as well. So in this occasion I would like to wish you to explore something new and something old that you forgot knowing. Within just few moments I'm becoming a student and I'm so glad about that decision of mine. Maybe that's why I am so passionate about this Autumn. It will bring in to my life something new, something yet unexplored. By the way I found out on the calendar that today is the international BLOGGERS day, so for all of you bloggers out there and those who are affraid to start blogging: Happy blogging day and my wish for you guys would be to be yourself, the best of you you can be.
Evening everyone. Today I tried something I always wanted but didn't have enough courage to do it. It's hair lamination with gelatine. Yes, yes, the same gelatine you put in your pies and cakes. Everyone knows that gelatine is good for bones and etc. but it also gives you that lamination effect to your hair. You don't have to waste a lot of money to do that. It only costed me like 0.50LTL.
What's in my make up bag tag
I know this tag is pretty common among bloggers, but I'm not the typical one. I use make up like once every month or even more rarely. And by saying make up I mean liner and mascara. Once in a while I like to "play" with make up that's why I have just a little bit, nothing fancy. I am not trying to brag or anything so try not be so judgmental. I would like to start by showing you my make up bag which I got in Superdrug store. It was a pack of big stripped light pink and white bag with smaller bag with butterflies. I used the smaller one at work so stripped one went to the make up thingies. Literally all my make up fits in this bag and I do not carry it with me like other girls.
To begin with this is all of my eyeshadows. I absolutely love this collection on the right, it's so simple to use and it has directions on it. Very good for beginner like myself. I didn't really used much of the other ones, but I hope one day I will.
The next things in my bag are brushes. I have a lot of them. Got them on ebay very cheap and they really satisfies my needs. The biggest one is for my Egyptische erde from BIKOR, I know most of you know it, but those who don't - it's really tanning powder or whatever is called.
MADOS ANGARAS. too praised
Hello everyone. Today I found this place called "Mados angaras" in Šiaurės miestelis and to be honest with you guys, I left up pretty disappointed. Not even the prices weren't that low as it's written on their website, but besides that the range was so shabby I didn't buy anything at all. Still I want to show you some stuff ofcourse. Either it was too expensive, or it was not in my size. By the way I didn't find any wearable shoes in any sizes at ALL! I don't know, they brag that they supplement their range everyday, but it just seems to be sheit. Best pieces to you judges:
OOTD & SH catches
Good day everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful evening. Today like many other days I went to few secondhand shops in Lithuania's capital Vilnius. Took some pictures of pieces that I really liked and want to share with you guys my outfit of the day. Soooo let's move on. By the way all pictures are taken with my HTC one, so sorry for the quality.
HUMANA - totaly inhumane
Hey guys! Summer is gonna leave us pretty soon and that means more thrifting and shopping for us, girls. First of all I want to explain you the title of my post. Here in Lithuania "Humana" is kind of a thrift shop. Well sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. Sounds weird? It is. When new stock is being placed into the store, everything is soooo expensive in here. And still there are so many people coming and buying bunch of stuff.
Kosmetikos DNR
Ieškai natūralios kosmetikos? Esi alergiška vienam ar kitam grožio priemonių ingridientui? Dažnai kyla pyktis, kai nesupranti kas parašyta ant kosmetikos etikečių? Ne bėda. Atsirado puikus tavo pagalbininkas - KOSMETIKOS DNR. Tai puslapis, kuriame surasi informacijos apie daugelį populiariausių grožio produktų nuo lietuviškų "UogaUoga" iki pasaulyje gerai žinomų brendų, tokių kaip "The body shop". Kiekvienas produktas yra apdovanojamas žvaigždutėmis - taip lengviausia atskirti geriausius produktus. Visi produktai praeina tam tikrą "filtrą" - išnagrinėjama ar gaminys turi ingridientų, kurie gali kimšti poras, erzinti odą, sukelti alergiją. Trys skaičiai kategarizuoja gaminį, pvz.: "Natura Siberica" ekologiškas šampūnas "prafiltruotas" skaičiais 20/4/2. Tai reiškia, kad iš dvidešimties ingridientų, keturi erzina odą ir du gali sukelti alergiją.
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